quarta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2018

7 Easy Breakfast Recipes That Can Help You Lose Weight (Even If You Have No Time in the Morning)

7 Easy Breakfast Recipes That Can Help You Lose Weight (Even If You Have No Time in the Morning)

I’m a big believer in breakfast, especially if you’re trying to shed pounds. Among the people I counsel, I find that those who skip the morning meal tend to overeat in the evening, when they’re less active and can't burn off those unneeded calories. So I advise my clients to “eat breakfast like a king," as they say. And there's plenty of research to back that habit up.

One 12-week study showed that folks who ate their biggest daily meal at breakfast were much more likely to lose weight and shrink their waistlines compared to people who ate a large dinner. And a solid a.m. meal is good for your health, too: A recent study published in the Journal of Physiology tracked breakfast eaters and those who fasted until mid-day for six weeks. Researchers found that the genes of breakfast eaters were impacted in ways that may help protect against diabetes and other chronic illnesses.

What's more, breakfast is a good opportunity to fit in key nutrients many people don't get enough of. But if you’re trying to slim down, you may be confused about what (and how much) to eat when you wake up. Below you'll find a range of balanced and weight-loss friendly meals I recommend to my clients. Pick one that suits your food preferences, morning time constraints, and eating style—and commit to eating it daily for at least a month.

A note for coffee drinkers: There's no need to give up your beloved cup of Joe if you're trying to lose weight. In fact, there are health benefits tied to including it. Simply curb the calories in your mug by doctoring it up with a splash of unsweetened almond or coconut milk, one packet of raw sugar, and a dash of cinnamon; and replace the second cup with a tall glass of H2O.

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7 Easy Breakfast Recipes That Can Help You Lose Weight (Even If You Have No Time in the Morning)
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