sábado, 6 de janeiro de 2018

This Brilliant One-Week Diet Plan Can Help You Lose At Least 2 Kgs

This Brilliant One-Week Diet Plan Can Help You Lose At Least 2 Kgs

For most of us, weight loss seems to be a nightmare and we're constantly struggling with it. It is a daunting task and especially, if you want to lose weight quickly. However, with a proper diet and a good exercise routine, you can easily lose those extra pounds. Here's some good news. You may be able to lose 2 to 3 kilograms in a week without hampering your health. We bring you a quick diet plan that can help you lose weight in a week suggested by expert Dietitian Grace Kapoor from Mumbai.

Although it is not advisable to lose weight through fad diets, but sometimes, you can rely on them if you want to lose weight in a short time for a particular reason like a wedding or a special occasion.

A quick diet plan can be generally followed for up to a week, to lose about 2-3 kilograms. The biggest example of this is the GM diet. It is imperative to understand that these short-term diets do not offer long term benefits but they may help in kick starting the weight loss process.

Note: If you have any medical condition or are under any medication, do seek the advice of your doctor before following any of these diets.

One Week Diet Plan

Dietitian Grace Kapoor suggests two plans which you should alternate in a week, so as to avoid monotony and boredom. Since this is a one-week diet plan, do not indulge in cheat days or binge eating. Follow the diet religiously and you will see the result at the end of the week. This diet can be followed by anyone, irrespective of the fact that they have followed a diet before or not or are mere beginners. It is a simple plan which anybody looking to lose weight in a week's time can follow.

Plan 1

Porridge Plan to be followed 2-4 days and can expect to lose about 2-4 kilograms

Breakfast - One cup of skimmed milk with either 2 tablespoon oats or cornflakes

Lunch- Two small bowls of dalia khichdi with lots of seasonal vegetables

Tea time- Switch to green tea

Dinner- Milk dalia without sugar (pressure cook dalia with water and then add milk)

Plan 2

Soup Bread plan to be followed for 2 days and can expect to lose about 1-2 kilograms

Early morning- A hot cup of green tea

Breakfast- Large bowl of soup with vegetables like beanscabbagetomato and lauki added in it.

Lunch- Two slices of whole wheat bread with soup

Teatime- A piping hot cup of green tea

Dinner- One veg sandwich with green chutneycucumber and tomato

For both plans, do remember to have 4-5 cups of green tea. Green tea has beneficial anti-oxidants that prevent your metabolism from slowing down.

Important Points to Remember

1. It is always good to exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday to keep the body physically active. No diet is successful without a bit of exercise included in the regime.

2. It is important to understand that you will not lose weight immediately as your body takes time to adjust to new changes. Give it time.

3. Do not skip breakfast meals as this may hamper your metabolism.

4. Avoid sugar as much as possible for as long as you are following this diet. High sugar diets are high in calories and low in nutrients.

5. Do not check your weight on a daily basis during the diet, as it may result in disappointment and discouragement. Your body will lose weight, give it time and have patience.

10 HIIT Workout Rules to Burn 48% More Belly Fat

10 HIIT Workout Rules to Burn 48% More Belly Fat

1. Get Your ASS Kicked

  • Your HIIT workout Must Kick Your Ass in 10-to-40 minutes.
  • You shouldn't feel like doing anything else (workout wise)after a 10-to-40 minute HIIT workout unless it's something simple like walking at a normal pace
  • If your HIIT workout is too easy then Rule # 10 shows you how to make your HIIT workouts so tough you will NOT Dare go over 40 minutes.
  • Your HIIT workout should scare the SHIT out of you but you still summon up enough courage to finish your HIIT workout because you know it'll lead to you looking much better naked

2. The hard parts of your HIIT workout should last 10-to-40 seconds
  • Watch the video below if you don't understand the difference between the HARD & EASY parts of a HIIT workout…
3. The easy parts of your HIIT workout should be no more than double the amount of time of your hard parts
For example…
  • If you're doing this Jumping Jack HIIT Workout where you do jumping jacks for 20 seconds as fast as you can for your hard parts…
  • Then make sure you rest no more than 40 seconds for your easy part before doing another 20 seconds of jumping jacks as fast as you can for your hard part.
4. Make sure the hard parts of your HIIT workout are Actually HARD!
  • On a scale of 1-to-10 with 10 being real hard - BE AT an 11-to-NO LESS Than a 7 for your hard parts.
  • Make your hard parts so hard that you can't wait for the easy parts to come up so you can rest.
  • If you feel like you're going to die during your hard parts (but you're not nauseous, dizzy or anything serious like that) then that's a good thing!
  • Your hard parts need to be so intense that you can't really talk to anyone. 100% of your focus should be on giving your maximum effort for 10-to-40 seconds.
5. Make sure the easy parts of your HIIT workout are Actually EASY!
  • On a scale of 1-to-10 with 1 being doing absolutely nothing - Be at a ZERO-to-4 for your easy parts.
6. Only do HIIT workouts 3-to-4 days a week
You may Lose 15 lbs Every 3 Weekswhen you break rule #6 but…
  • Make sure & BE ABSOLUTELY Certain that the 3-to-4 days per week of HIIT workouts you're already doing areActually Kicking Your Ass (see rule #1and if your HIIT workouts aren't kicking your ass…
  • See rule #10 for ways to make your HIIT workouts more intense so they will kick your ass on a regular basis because if you truly are getting your ass kicked with 3-to-4 days per week of HIIT workouts…
  • Then chances are you WOULD NOT even dare doing a HIIT workout more than 3-to-4 days per week unless you're highly motivated
Please Note: If you're only doing a lot of short 10 minute HIIT workouts then more than 3-to-4 days a week is fine.
7. Do HIIT workouts LAST
8. Do HIIT workouts 2 times a day for faster fat loss (Optional)
  • Tip: Do 1 of your HIIT workouts first thing in the morning before breakfast and then another one in the evening - See why
  • You can do more than 2 HIIT workouts in a given day if they only last 10 minutes. See fast weight loss tip #24
  • Since the 20-to-40 minute HIIT workouts are so intense you may want to Take at least 2-to-4 hours off between workouts.
9. Alternate between Lower & Upper body HIIT workouts(Optional)
10. Always try to beat your last HIIT workout
  • If you gave 85% during your last HIIT workout… Then give 86% in your next HIIT workout (or even 85.0001%) to beat your last workout.
  • If you can't beat 85% then don't slack off too much and give less than 75-to-85% because every time you do a HIIT workout…
  • Push yourself that extra inch each time to keep burning more & more fat so here is…

quinta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2018

How to Lose 100 Pounds in 6 Months

How to Lose 100 Pounds in 6 Months

Weight loss is a journey. It means that you will face challenges and struggles along the way. Success will only come when you conquer these obstacles and focus on your ultimate goal. Losing 100 pounds in six months requires a tremendous amount of discipline and determination. Since you have stumbled upon this article, there is already a huge part of you that wants to commit to weight loss. Below is a list of the most effective ways to drop the pounds and keep them off for as long as you desire.

Weight loss is a journey. It means that you will face challenges and struggles along the way. Success will only come when you conquer these obstacles and focus on your ultimate goal. Losing 100 pounds in six months requires a tremendous amount of discipline and determination. Since you have stumbled upon this article, there is already a huge part of you that wants to commit to weight loss. Below is a list of the most effective ways to drop the pounds and keep them off for as long as you desire.

What about the extra 7000? Well, that comes from regular exercise and smart lifestyle choices – let’s take a look at those because with some consistency and discipline – you can get to your weight loss goal!

Lose 5 kilos in 2 weeks

Lose 5 kilos in 2 weeks

Whether you’re looking to tone up or are wanting to drop a post-holiday kilogram or two, a combination of healthy eating and exercise can put you on the right track to your ideal weight goal.
But before you start thinking about stocking up on protein shakes and thinking about the best post workout meals to add to your weekly grocery list, it’s important to start your weightloss journey at a slow and steady pace.
Because, when it comes to losing weight, just like everything in life, we need to a little bit of inspiration to achieve our goals. Luckily, Elle Macpherson's trainer James Duigan has come on board to shares his top tips, including his Lose 5kg in 2 weeks diet plan.
"You’ll find all your favourite Woman’s Day diet recipes – kJ-crunched, cooked and tested in the Woman’s Day test kitchen – plus a few of my own recipes, diet tips and the workouts that get my celebrity clients in tip-top shape," he says.
Just sure you follow the rules, eat two snacks from the snack list per day and stick to the portion sizes.
Lose 5 kilos in two weeks diet plan
You should lose 1-2kgs a week (up to 5kgs for heavier women), depending on your starting weight. The total daily kJ count is 5500-7000kJ. This compares to the average of 8000-9000kJ for a 70kg Australian woman.
  • Eat lots of green vegetables or a fibre supplement. Fibre helps reduce “bat wings” and “bingo arms” by eliminating toxins
  • Limit alcohol to four standard drinks a week. A 400kJ glass of wine replaces one snack
  • Your body converts wheat to sugar faster than any other grain. So try and avoid bread and pasta, if you can
  • All breakfasts on the diet can be swapped with other breakfasts, lunches with lunches and dinners with dinners
  • One coffee per day is allowed. After that, drink green tea
  • All breakfasts on the four week diet are interchangeable with other breakfasts, lunches with lunches and dinners with dinners
  • Studies show that low-fat yoghurts, for instance, are loaded with sugar and sodium to make up for the blandness of having no fat. So, eat real butter, yoghurt and milk and cheese. Keep the doses small, though
Each day choose from any two of the following:
  • 1 apple and 1 matchbox-sized serve full-fat cheese (700kJ)
  • Vegetable sticks and ¼ cup hummus (600kJ)
  • 1 piece of fruit and a handful of nuts (400kJ)
  • 100g natural yoghurt with berries, cinnamon and almonds (400kJ)
  • 1 small latte (400kJ)
  • 2 Corn Thins with 1 teaspoon no added sugar peanut butter (400kJ)
  • Make a yoghurt paddle pop (with fruit and nuts) (450kJ)
  • Frozen grapes and bananas (480kj)
  • Fruit smoothie with added fibre or bran (400kJ)
  • 4 squares dark chocolate (400kJ)
  • Green smoothie (blend up celery, cucumber, lime, ginger, mint) (negligible)
  • 1 apple and 1 matchbox-sized serve full-fat cheese (700kJ)
  • Vegetable sticks and ¼ cup hummus (600kJ)
  • 1 piece of fruit and a handful of nuts (400kJ)
  • 100g natural yoghurt with berries, cinnamon and almonds (400kJ)
  • 1 small latte (400kJ)
  • 2 Corn Thins with 1 teaspoon no added sugar peanut butter (400kJ)
  • Make a yoghurt paddle pop (with fruit and nuts) (450kJ)
  • Frozen grapes and bananas (480kj)
  • Fruit smoothie with added fibre or bran (400kJ)
  • 4 squares dark chocolate (400kJ)
  • Green smoothie (blend up celery, cucumber, lime, ginger, mint) (negligible)
  • 1 serve of rice or pasta = a fist
  • 1 piece of meat, fish or chicken = the size and width of a deck of cards
  • 1 serve of cheese = one slice, or 4 small cubes that could fit in a matchbox
  • 1 serve of butter = your fingertip
DISCLAIMER: Please do not embark on a vigorous exercise program without speaking to your doctor first. This advice is general only and does not replace the advice of your doctor or exercise physiologist.

Drinking Fennel Seed Water for Weight Loss

Drinking Fennel Seed Water for Weight Loss

What Is Fennel Seed Water?

Fennel seed water is simply water infused with fennel seeds. Infusing can be done either by immersing the seeds in hot water or by steeping them overnight in cool water. The infused water has a light golden colour, smells fresh and clean, and the taste is not bad at all! In the beginning, I did find the taste weird but I got used to it quickly!

Fun fact: Fennel seeds have a mild licorice flavor, so it leaves a sweet taste in your mouth. They're a naturally potent breath freshener!

In this article, you will learn how to make a large batch of fennel seed water so that you can sip it throughout the day. I found out about this kind of water a couple of months ago, but I only decided to write about it after I tested it out myself. It's a time-tested, ancient herbal remedy that is prescribed in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for obesity.

These seeds are tiny powerhouses of detoxifying and metabolism-boosting nutrients. They are rich in vitamins as well as minerals, as shown in the nutrition facts table later in the article.

Did You Know?

The scientific name for fennel is Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce.
In Hindi, fennel is called saunf.
This perennial herb belongs to the parsley family, which also includes anise, caraway, cumin, and dill.
The seeds, flowers, leaves, and stems all contain nutritional and medical benefits and are used in cuisines around the world.
Fennel Water Recipe for Weight Loss

Making fennel water is a simple task that doesn't require any complicated procedures.

Let's get right into the recipe. In my experience, there are two types of preparation:

Brewing the seeds in boiling water and allowing it to cool.
Overnight steeping.

How to Lose Weight in 30 Days Without Exercise

How to Lose Weight in 30 Days Without Exercise

After working a long day and taking care of family chores, who has time to devote another hour or more to exercising?

Your day is already busy enough.

If you want to lose weight, then there are better alternatives than expensive gym memberships and home pilates workouts. All that is required is some determination and some simple nutritional guidelines.

This article will give you a clearer idea for how to lose weight in 30 days without exercise and help you develop a realistic action plan. The best news is that you can do it all without any rigorous workouts. Of course, doing some exercise will speed up the fat burning process even further, but it isn’t necessary.

Just follow the advice outlined below.

1. Get a Scale

This tip is the first item on this list for a reason. When you want to lose weight, you need as much positive feedback as possible. You also need something to measure your progress and to keep track of any setbacks. This way, if you see that you haven’t lost any weight, you can make the necessary adjustments.

Also, with a scale, you can see the weight coming off in numerical form. This is a huge motivator. It pushes you to keep doing what you are doing because you can see visual proof that your weight-loss strategy is working.

Remember to weigh yourself regularly and keep track of the data. There are actually some cool apps that can help you record this, like MyFitnessPal.
If you are more old-school, then paper and a pen will work just fine. Since this is a 30-day goal for losing weight, plan to measure yourself every couple of days. You are unlikely to see results immediately, so be patient and persistent with the diet plan.
Weigh yourself in the mornings before eating anything. On average, we tend to weigh slightly less in the morning compared to at night. Therefore, to avoid any measurement inconsistencies, have a set time in the morning for the weigh-ins.
2. Reduce the Carbs

Next, think of all the foods that you consume on a regular basis that contain carbohydrates. More than likely, you will have to reduce this by at least half. Carb-reduction depends on how strict you want to be and how much weight you want to lose.

Some people succeed by simply making small adjustments to meals. Others are more extreme and reduce their carbohydrate consumption to very minimal levels. For example, the Ketogenic, or LCHP, Diet follows similar methods for reducing weight by restricting almost all carbs.

The more carbohydrates your cut out of your diet, then the more efficient your body will be at using excess fat reserves for fuel instead of using the sugar from the carbs. In other words, the more carbs you eat, the more difficulty you will have losing weight.

Which foods contain high amounts of carbohydrates?

“White” carb foods like pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, and anything containing flour should be cut completely from your diet or minimized significantly. If you must, stick to whole wheat bread, brown varieties of rice, and sweet potatoes.
Of course, high-carb food also includes anything high in sugar, such as candy, donuts, chocolate, soft drinks, and juices etc. Moreover, potato chips or anything that is processed has got to go.
If you crave junk food, try substituting it with a healthier alternative like fruit or nuts. However, keep in mind that even the fruit that you consume is not always beneficial since it is also relatively high in carbohydrates. Think of fruit as “nature’s candy” and enjoy it sparingly.
Remember to stay away from fast food and processed food.
What about alcohol?

Unfortunately, if you like to drink beer, then you may have to find a substitute for it or drink it less frequently. There are other alcoholic beverages that contain fewer carbs that you can drink instead, such as dry red wine, on occasion.

Have a look at the chart below to get a better idea of how many carbohydrates there are in different types of drinks.

3. Eat Real Food

So you may wonder, what is there left to eat and drink?

If you are asking yourself this right now, then that is actually a good sign. Why? Because it is probably a big part of the reason why you have put on weight in the first place. You are likely eating way too many carbs so your body can’t target your fat to burn as energy. It is using the excess of carbs to serve that purpose.

What is the solution? Reduce the carbs and eat real food.

The majority of your food consumption must consist of:

high amounts of protein
healthy natural fats.
Check out the lists below for some ideas that you can base your diet on by combining each of these three food categories.
Eat Natural Fats

There are many food options that contain healthy unsaturated fats. Below are some examples that you can add to your grocery list. When eaten in moderation, healthy fats such as these can lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease.

Coconut oil
Greek Yogurt
Nuts and seeds
Olive oil
*Remember to stay away from unnatural saturated and trans-fats.

By re-thinking your diet in this way, you will notice that your grocery shopping experience will be revolutionized. If done right, you will likely find yourself cutting off entire areas of the supermarket.

Just remember to keep things simple. There is no obligation to count calories. Simply base the majority of your diet on real (not processed) food and have three meals per day. Keep the carbs and junk food to a minimum.

The remaining tips below are some other things that you can do to help speed up the process even more.

So let’s examine what else you can add to your fat-burning arsenal.

4. Try Intermittent Fasting

When we think of fasting in the traditional sense, we imagine going several days without eating anything. However, this is not what we call “intermittent” fasting. There are several types of intermittent fasting which are not as extreme and can be much easier to manage. Perhaps the simplest version is the 16/8 Method.

The 16/8 Method involves eating only two meals per day with an 8-hour interval of little or no food between lunch and dinner. After dinner, you “fast” for 16 hours. The majority of that time is spent sleeping.

This process can be repeated safely for as long as you like and can be extremely effective. Just remember to stick to the food plan.

5. Cut the Late Night Cravings

This is where your diet plan can suffer from setbacks. Many of us are tempted to snack or binge on junk food in the evening. If you find yourself doing this a lot, there are a few things you can do to minimize the cravings.

Here are some quick practical solutions:

Eat healthier “real food” substitutes instead of junk food.

Keep any junk food out of sight and not stationed by the sofa.

If you must eat junk food on occasion, put the food that you crave in smaller bags or containers. This will reduce the risk of you devouring large amounts in one sitting, thus stifling your progress.

Eating foods high in fiber and protein will help reduce cravings.

Substitute the eating with something else to keep your hands busy, such as knitting, reading a book, or journaling etc.


6. Sleep

The last tip for losing weight that many people tend to neglect is getting a proper night’s sleep. You should be getting at 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night for a healthy body and mind. Plus, the body actually burns a lot of fat while sleeping so it is a win-win scenario.

If you are having trouble getting adequate sleep, there are various things you can do to improve your sleep quality and length. For example, don’t look at screens prior to sleeping. Avoid using the computer, watching TV, or using your smartphone for at least 30 minutes before bed.

Try walking around the block to get some fresh air. In fact, walking before bedtime can help digestion and control cholesterol levels if done regularly.

Whether it is reading a book, drinking chamomile tea, or mindful meditation, there are lots of other strategies that can help you get the appropriate sleep that you need.

By following these basic guidelines, you should see significant reductions in your weight after 30 days. Remember to weigh yourself regularly to keep track of your progress and stick to the low-carb real food diet. Other strategies in combination, such as intermittent fasting, reducing evening cravings, and getting proper amounts of sleep on a consistent basis will help you achieve your weight goals faster.

quarta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2018

8 Foods You Need in Your Kitchen For a Healthier 2018

8 Foods You Need in Your Kitchen For a Healthier 2018

Fruit and veggies

A healthy kitchen starts with fresh produce–yes, even in winter. Fruits and vegetables deliver vitamins, minerals, and plant nutrients that protect against chronic conditions including obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and dementia. Keep a good variety on hand and aim to eat at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables every day.

I always like to stock my kitchen with potatoes, onions, garlic, lemons, and limes for cooking. In addition, buy fresh produce like apples and oranges that you can toss in your bag for on-the-go healthy snacks. Make sure you have leafy greens and non-starchy veggies on hand too to help you stick to a plant-based eating plan.

How to use them: Choose more recipes that call for veggies; add veggies to egg dishes, smoothies, and even muffins; eat fruits and veggies as snacks. Shredded veggies can even replace some of the meat in burgers.

Greek yogurt

Nonfat or low-fat Greek yogurt is a stellar source of high-quality protein and many essential nutrients like calcium and potassium. Traditional Greek yogurt is strained so it removes the watery whey, resulting in a thicker, creamier yogurt with twice the protein and about half the sugar of regular yogurt. A typical single-serving container of nonfat Greek yogurt packs around 17 grams of protein—about the equivalent of three eggs!

How to use it: Enjoy with fresh fruit as a snack or use to make smoothies, as an oatmeal topper, or as a healthier stand-in for sour cream or mayo in most recipes.

It’s okay to get a little, um, nutty for your health’s sake. Research reveals that people who eat around an ounce of nuts per day–whether they prefer almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachios, or another nut–tend to be thinner and have lower risk for heart disease and certain cancers compared to those who avoid nuts. Because nuts are high in fat, they are calorie-rich, so portion control is key. Nutritionally, all nuts are rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fat and protein and provide nutrients like vitamins B and E, magnesium, and filling fiber.

How to use them: Toast them to bring out even more flavor so you can use less. Chop and sprinkle over oatmeal, yogurt, salad greens, roasted veggies, or whole grains.

Extra virgin olive oil

Rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and low in unhealthy saturated fats, EVOO has decades’ worth of research documenting its cardiovascular benefits. EVOO is the primary fat used in the Mediterranean diet, considered the gold standard for health and longevity. 

How to use it: Save pricey EVOO for dipping and drizzling over foods. Combine it with vinegar to make delicious, tangy salad dressings.

Whole grains

Despite popular opinion, there’s no reason to give up carbs entirely if you’re trying to lose weight or improve your health this year. In fact, whole grains (like brown rice, quinoa, farro, oats, and barley) have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancer. Eating more whole grains may even add years to your life.

Whole grains provide filling fiber plus beneficial antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Strive to get about three servings of whole grains per day.

How to use them: Enjoy oats or other whole-grain cereals for a hearty breakfast. Add couscous, farro, quinoa, or other cooked whole grains to salads or side dishes. Bake with whole-grain flour whenever possible.

Canned beans

Canned beans are one of the most versatile and convenient staples to stock in your healthy kitchen. Beans are rich in fiber, protein, antioxidants, potassium, and iron. Research shows that eating beans can help you manage your waistline and reduce your risk for heart disease. Shoot for half a cup three times a week.

How to use them: Snack on roasted chickpeas or spread hummus on your sandwich in place of mayo. Add them to hearty soups, turkey chili, or burrito bowls. Pureed beans can also be used to replace about half of the oil in baked goods like brownies, cookies, and cake.

Canned seafood

A tin or pouch of tuna or salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that help protect your heart, boost brain power, elevate mood, maintain eyesight, and keep joints mobile. As a result, most health organizations recommend eating at least two servings of fish or seafood per week–and when it comes from a can you don’t even have to cook! Salmon, tuna, anchovies, and sardines are all good options for lean sources of protein and other important nutrients and vitamins.


Pumpkin puree

Yes, the holidays are over. But canned pumpkin puree is much more than pie filling. Look for a variety with no added sugar or flavor for a low-calorie pick brimming with beta carotene, vitamin C, and potassium. Most of us don’t get enough deep orange veggies in our diet, and the nutrients responsible for that hue can help ward off some types of cancer and improve eye health.